
The term “Dryland” means that you are not on skis or on snow!  However, it sometimes gets muddy and wet.  We’re not sure how accurate the term “Dryland” is!!  

Registration for 2023/24 Dryland-4-All is now open!

Adults! Get in shape for the ski season with Fall Dryland-4-All!

Don’t be stuck in the sludge when the snow finally arrives. With fall dryland training, you will develop the fitness, strength and skills to jumpstart your skiing. When the snow is ready for you, you will be ready for the snow!

Dryland-4-All is just that. All levels of skiers can participate. If are planning to sign up for Ski For Fitness, Nordic Newbies or Masters, OR if you just want to get in shape for the nordic season, this program will help you to prepare for your on-ski sessions. We will work on balance and weight shift as you develop the cardiac capacity and specific muscle groups needed for a day on the trails. A great prep for the season!


Saturdays, 10 am to 12pm : Sept 23, 30; Oct 14, 21, 28; Nov 4, 11, 18, 25, Dec 2 (10 weeks)

Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm: Sept 27; Oct 4, 11, 18, 25; Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, (10 weeks)


1 session per week: $130 (plus the $35 club fee)*

2 sessions per week: $170 (plus the $35 club fee)*

*Club Membership includes a mandatory membership to our governing bodies, Nordiq Canada and Cross Country Ontario. This is necessary for insurance purposes and to ensure qualification standards of coaches as well as proper safety protocols. Members also receive discounts at local stores and are entitled to participate in club social events.

Instructor: Steve Jones

What to Bring:

  • Appropriate clothing, with it being fall the weather can be hot or cold, ensure your child has enough layers

  • Appropriate footwear, usually running shoes!

  • A Yoga mat, for strengthening and conditioning

  • Ski poles, we will be doing some balance work and ski striding poles will be required.

  • A water bottle, hydration is important

  • A light snack to help fuel and replenish energy


JackRabbit (age 4 to 9)